Exploring the Depths of Perception with Zoey Lin's "Relation Ship"

Award-winning Stop Motion VR Multimedia Installation Breaks Boundaries

Immerse in the captivating world of "Relation Ship," a stop motion VR multimedia installation by Zoey Lin. This innovative project combines storytelling, philosophy, and biomorphic VR sculpture to offer viewers a unique, visceral experience.

The installation presents viewers with the evocative gestural performance animation of the main character, the fish bone queen, who gives away precious gifts from her own body. Upon entering the virtual reality environment, viewers are immersed in a living bodyscape. The project is designed to be displayed in an installation setting as a stop motion film and three VR headsets, each offering a different immersive experience inside the main character.

The realization of "Relation Ship" involved a blend of traditional and cutting-edge technologies. Lin used found jewelry, laces, sequins, PVA glue, aluminum wire, and thread to build the puppets, sets, and sculptures. For the VR component, Lin utilized Dragonframe for shooting stop motion, Agisoft for the photogrammetry process, and Maya for building the VR bodyscape.

The project was exhibited at the Orange County Center of Contemporary Art (OCCCA) for the art exhibition Craft Revolution in Santa Ana, United States, from February 2 to March 23, 2019. It was also part of the thesis exhibition at the Steven Spielberg Building of the University of Southern California from April 17 to 21, 2018.

"Relation Ship" has been recognized for its innovative approach to storytelling and design, receiving the Golden A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

With "Relation Ship," Zoey Lin has created a unique and thought-provoking exploration of perception and reality. The project serves as a testament to the power of innovative design and technology in creating immersive experiences that challenge and engage viewers on multiple levels.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Zoey Lin
Image Credits: Image#1: Creator Zoey Lin, stop motion footage, 2018 Image#2: Creator Zoey Lin, stop motion footage, 2018 Image#3: VR visual effect creative director Kun Xia, VR footage, 2018 Image#4: Creator Zoey Lin, OCCCA exhibition documentation photo, 2019 Image#5: Creator Zoey Lin, puppets photo, 2019
Project Team Members: Zoey Lin (Creator and Director) Kun Xia (VR visual effect creative director) Ping Sheng Wu (Composer and Sound Designer)
Project Name: Relation Ship
Project Client: Zoey Lin

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